Adversities, You can Overcome Them

            This journey is not easy, it is up to you to say whether it is long or short. But if you are able to persevere it, I believe that you can create your own masterpiece of arts in your life. It takes me about 2 years and 9 months to prepare it. I believe that you have your own story to share to the others as different people have different trials and tribulations in life to overcome them to achieve their goals. Remember, you are created with your own unique and identities that no one is able to replace you. This is my story and how I have started my entrepreneur life.
  1. My dad had ended the business due to the existing of new policy of government, poor economics and previous accidents of the company.
  2. The new house cannot be sold as it is bought within three years, there is a new existing law for properties to result in the bearing of high losses in selling it.
  3. The education fees are very high to support my sister to study medical course in private college.
  4. My dad had been operated his neck during April this year, the cost was about RM30k.
           The average of the living expenditures to be sustained is about RM15k per month. It is a painful and tough journey that I will not forget, many questions play in my mind. The greater the oppression, the stronger the rebound. It is very hard to make it when many problems and failures occur together perpetually in different aspects of life such as financial, family, academic, relationships, health and name a few during a short time without any prediction. Sometimes we have to admire those great people and heroes as they are able to create miracles in life with such negative circumstances especially in the silhouette even their emotions are like roller-coaster. Take for examples, the bible characters like Paul, Peter, David, Job, Joseph and list a few.

           Dolly Parton has said that, “The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.”

          That was the time I had to learn to manage my daily expenditures well and systematic. In my memories, I spent between RM8 to RM12 daily in food expenditures monthly. I will not forget the days when I kept going to the café to have lunch and dinner at the same stall, the food was nice and cheap. During these two years of university life, I just spent money to watch two movies only. I had just attended a concert and went to karaoke once to celebrate one of my best friends’ birthday party. That was my second semester when I was in second year. My school is School of Language, Literature and Translation. You could say that it is the furthest school in university. I walked to school for more than 20 minutes daily to and fro without using my own transport. I would drive car when I needed to work, but my first alternative is always to ride bus to go to different places or even work.

These were some of my dinner pictures. It was unbelievable that I spent RM2 only with such portion.

             Truth to be told, it is understandable that nowadays earning and saving money are very hard. But I still set a target for myself to achieve my financial goals. Being a university student, I forced myself to save between RM200 to RM400 monthly for rainy days. Wisdoms always tell us that poor people will save the rest of the money after spending but rich people will save the money first before spending. The money you have earned is still not yours, but the money you have saved is yours! Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished: but he that gathereth by labour shall increase.(Proverbs 13:11)

             I really feel grateful to those who help me a lot when I was desperate and helpless, perhaps it is just a meal or treat without counting how much it is. First of all, I thanked to my parents, siblings and sister Shasha Ng who have supported me from time to time without counting in financial, moral and physical. I thank to USM Christian Fellowships, PKA and LWCF who had given me mental besides some financial helps too. Then, I would like to thank to my church pastor, Pastor Looi and brother Eng Seong to be my mentors from time to time when I was facing the giants in the life. Lastly, I would like to thank to my relatives and friends who have never abandoned me through comforting and encouragement to walk further in the university life. If I neglect any party that had assisted me before, please forgive me. All your helps are really highly appreciated and unforgettable to be a stepping stone to pass through the trials and tribulations to succeed in this stage.

            Friends, we may not be as strong and gigantic as the ancient heroes. At least we can make some changes to ourselves to grow in different aspects of lives, adapting to the negative circumstances in the journey of life. Truth to be told, Thomas Edison spent 20 years completing 50,000 experiments to invent the alkaline battery. Someone had asked him, “How did you taste the fruit of success?” Edison told him, success is not the only end result. Adversities broaden our horizon, eye-views and enrich our life experience. As the saying goes, ‘every cloud has silver lining’. He is the guidance and light when you are lost in the darkness. Mandarin proverbs state that heaven will put you to test before bestowing you heavy responsibilities to carry. When God solves your problems, you have faith in His abilities; when He doesn’t solve your problems, He has faith in your abilities.

             In short, what I have experienced mentioned above has shaped me to be more mature, responsible and have different perspectives to view adversities in life.  His graces make imperfection to be perfect, strengthening the weak people to become strong.  

=>This is my online shop link, you can have a look to it. Please feel free to commend it if you need it. You can buy it when you are satisfied with the products. The best services will be provided to you. Moreover, you can contact me too if you wish to be an entrepreneur too from time to time, I can be a supplier to assist you if you are in the time of need. Thanks:
= >To know more about who I am, you can have a look to my blog:

There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. (1 Corinthians 10:13)

Remember, God is bigger than your problems. Never say give up to yourself before you put up a valiant fight for it. Just commit your problems to His hands, He will do the rest.  

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