Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What is Christ Consciousness?

The human mind has spiritual currents running through its thought streams. These streams contain vital information from Spirit that is highly valuable to humans. Spirit is the source of everything TRUE, BEAUTIFUL, and GOOD and conveys these ideals through the human mind that intersect with a person’s beliefs, helping the individual ascend into the higher information that uplifts and improves the quality of life.

In human life, spiritual growth is achieved by aligning with these spiritual currents that come from both the personality and mind of Spirit by intellectual assent and emotional devotion. Christ Consciousness is the growing human recognition and blending of the human evolutionary (or ego) mind with the Divine Mind and the Divine Personality that is the source of human happiness and fulfillment. This awareness accrues over time within the consciousness of human thinking when intention, attention, and openness is focused on knowing who and what is that “christed” state of being—that higher mindedness of enlightenment.

As this awareness in the human mind grows and strengthens, life becomes more liberated, joyful, peaceful, and love-dominated. The fear which creates isolation and despair begins to diminish in thought and feeling. You are free to live the life you were born to live — as a child of Spirit in a love-filled and supportive universe.


Is Christ Consciousness Christian? Do I have to be a Christian to achieve Christ Consciousness?

The highest state of intellectual development and emotional maturity is sometimes termed the “christed” state because of the sacredness and purity of the individual who has achieved it. Jesus achieved this in his human life, and was given this term before his name as the recognition of his achievement of this spiritual status. This path is open to anyone regardless of their religious tradition if and when he or she is open to become a living vessel of LOVE and TRUTH on the planet and actively strives to attain it.

This is not a term used exclusively in the Christian religion, nor does it mean that you must adhere to the Christian belief system to attain this state. All of the world’s religious traditions offer a path to achieving this “christed” status, and people are free to find their way in the context of their religious choice. What is significant to remember here is that each person has his and her own path to finding Spirit, and to open to allowing that path to unfold naturally. Sometimes people find their way within the context of certain religious beliefs that the major world’s religions offer; some people will find their way by blending some beliefs together in a unique and innovative way. All ways and paths are honored if they lead a person into becoming more loving, forgiving, patient, kind, compassionate, tolerant, and happy. All paths of LOVE lead to the same Source of All That Is. We all share the same Creator-Source as living expressions of that Source Personality and we all are moving back home to unite with our Source.

Christ consciousness is the state of awareness of our true nature, our higher self, and our birthright as children of God. Christ consciousness is our living expression as a child of Spirit as we unfold our own divine life plan onto the earth plane: bringing heaven to earth. Living in the reality of our “christed” self is actually being fully alive and invested in who we truly are. In our “christed” self we live as inspiration for others to seek this for themselves so we can collectively move our planet forward into the divine plan for planetary transformation and glorification.

Jesus: The Inspiration for Human Life

It is the goal of human life to evolve toward Spirit. This is the journey that unfolds over the course of one’s lifetime—it is the adventure of moving from time and space to eternity. Spirit ever reaches into the hearts and minds of humans to urge us to choose the ascension path to unite with the Source of Creation. One way Spirit does this is to incarnate as a human to reveal Spirit’s personality to humanity to serve as encouragement to discover and walk the path of Spirit. God actually steps down into the skin of a human to show us the way back home. The person who fulfilled this role for us is Jesus.

Jesus’ teachings centered around helping people find their own internal source of Spirit. He lived what he taught. He was the embodiment of love and goodness, peace and understanding. His God-centeredness allowed him to achieve what we consider miracles because he understood the natural laws of the universe and was able to tap into the great power of love to bring healing to people. He practiced meditation and prayer to gain strength to meet the challenges of daily life. He consistently showed love, kindness, patience, gentleness to others and encouraged them to open to the Spirit within themselves. He said, “The kingdom of Heaven is within.” He lived his life to show us how to find Spirit and what a human personality looks like when he or she is Spirit-centered. He paved the way for us to find God for ourselves.

Jesus’ divine life plan disclosed itself to him over the course of his lifetime. Just as we can open ourselves to our Indwelling Spirits to find our own higher purpose, Jesus accomplished this during his human lifetime. He is an inspiring guide to help us achieve this for ourselves. Once he fully achieved his own state of “Christ consciousness” he was able to manifest and depict to others his divine self. His life purpose was two-fold and provides the living link between our Creator-Source and humanity: to show each person how to God in himself/herself and for himself/herself, and then to embody the Creator and reveal God’s love for each person to those who were ready to grow in Spirit.

The significance of Jesus’ life overshadows the Christian religion that evolved from human thought and beliefs about his life over the centuries. You can have a personal relationship with Jesus that is more satisfying than any idea coming from a belief system that you may have learned about him. Invite him to enter into your heart and mind and give you answers to the pressing questions about your life. Invite him to show who he is and the role he can play in your life to help you become more of who you truly are. You can ask him any question.

No question is off limits; even those regarding his teachings and the Christian religion that evolved around the events and mysteries of his life. He will give you the truth about himself and the teachings of Christianity that trouble you or cause you to have doubts about or reject him, questions about the crucifixion and why it occurred, questions about God’s relationship to humans, questions about his teachings and resulting human interpretation; anything at all. He is open to hearing your complaints, your questions, and your concerns. He will address each one of them in a manner that will have you amazed and delighted at what you learn.

Jesus is much better and more approachable than any institutionalized belief system about him. In going directly to him, you will get an enhanced picture of who he is and the role he can play in your life to help you become a better person, to find happiness and fulfillment, to accompany you during your struggles, to give you courage and strength, and to help you find the answers to all of the urgent and pressing questions of your life. He was tested here as a human and there is no one living past or present that has his unique perspective on life. He is here for you now. Invite him into your life and allow him to delight you to your heart’s content.

Soul Healing

Seeded inside every human heart is a tiny bud. This is the embryonic soul: the growing part of your personality which houses your divine nature. What waters this seed is Spirit—divine love with its kaleidoscope components: color, vibration, sound, light, pattern, texture all a reflection of the magnificent wondrous Source of creation. The tender bud responds to everything that is good, beautiful, and true. Spirit energies weave around the little spark of divinity breathing life and love into it. Growth of self emerges as the divine nature and the human consciousness combine to yield a flower of great beauty and fragrance, unique and vital to cosmic fabric of reality.

The plan to become a large, loving, vibrant soul housed in a human body is the goal of our existence. It is our ideal to strive for. All of the potential for us to be our best self expressing our many talents, abilities, divinely bestowed gifts can be realized in our daily lives. There is within our being, in our core, those endowments of Spirit that lovingly help us achieve this. We are so loved and adored by Spirit; we are offspring of Creation and Spirit constantly seeks to unify with us. Opening the door to our deepest nature means looking past those things that get in our way to seeing who we truly are and asking for that divine part of us to stir, awaken, and grow. Allowing ourselves to feel the adoration of Spirit for us is the means for us to open the door to becoming spirit.

Healing of the soul opens the door to our divine persona as the barriers that obscure our true selves are gently absorbed and eliminated by Spirit—pure love. To find your true self—to tap into your soul—is to go beyond the resistance and pain deep within your being, and to ask for the source of love within to expand all deeply-embedded obstacles of the psyche into light. Gently and gracefully will all of the crusty layers of a false self-image respond to the saving energies of Spirit as the new energies of radiant glorious light build you into a new substance like itself: pure Spirit. The new strands of energy change the environment in the consciousness of self and the body is built in the new language that changes the structure of DNA. Little by little do we become anew; truly are we then born of the Spirit claiming more and more of our divine birthright to be children of God.

Soul healing is one of the CCC’s vital goals to assist a person into one’s divine nature. I will guide your journey into your soul and help you discover your true self through various techniques that you will also learn. We are here to accompany you on your faith exploration within to discover your true self. And what a quest it is! We hope you will allow us the joy of accompanying you on the most wonderful adventure of your life!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

At The Cross

Interview with Rick Warren-author of the Purpose Driven Life

In the interview by Paul Bradshaw with Rick Warren, Rick said:
People ask me, What is the purpose of life?
And I respond: In a nutshell, life is preparation for eternity. We were not made to last forever, and God wants us to be with Him in Heaven.
One day my heart is going to stop, and that will be the end of my body-- but not the end of me..
I may live 60 to 100 years on earth, but I am going to spend trillions of years in eternity. This is the warm-up act - the dress rehearsal. God wants us to practice on earth what we will do forever in eternity..
We were made by God and for God, and until you figure that out, life isn ' t going to make sense.
Life is a series of problems: Either you are in one now, you ' re just coming out of one, or you ' re getting ready to go into another one.
The reason for this is that God is more interested in your character than your comfort; God is more interested in making your life holy than He is in making your life happy.
We can be reasonably happy here on earth, but that ' s not the goal of life. The goal is to grow in character, in Christ likeness.
This past year has been the greatest year of my life but also the toughest, with my wife, Kay, getting cancer.
I used to think that life was hills and valleys - you go through a dark time, then you go to the mountaintop, back and forth. I don ' t believe that anymore.
Rather than life being hills and valleys, I believe that it ' s kind of like two rails on a railroad track, and at all times you have something good and something bad in your life.
No matter how good things are in your life, there is always something bad that needs to be worked on.
And no matter how bad things are in your life, there is always something good you can thank God for.
You can focus on your purposes, or you can focus on your problems:
If you focus on your problems, you ' re going into self-centeredness, which is my problem, my issues, my pain. ' But one of the easiest ways to get rid of pain is to get your focus off yourself and onto God and others.
We discovered quickly that in spite of the prayers of hundreds of thousands of people, God was not going to heal Kay or make it easy for her- It has been very difficult for her, and yet God has strengthened her character, given her a ministry of helping other people, given her a testimony, drawn her closer to Him and to people.
You have to learn to deal with both the good and the bad of life.
Actually, sometimes learning to deal with the good is harder. For instance, this past year, all of a sudden, when the book sold 15 million copies, it made me instantly very wealthy.
It also brought a lot of notoriety that I had never had to deal with before. I don ' t think God gives you money or notoriety for your own ego or for you to live a life of ease.
So I began to ask God what He wanted me to do with this money, notoriety and influence. He gave me two different passages that helped me decide what to do, II Corinthians 9 and Psalm 72.
First, in spite of all the money coming in, we would not change our lifestyle one bit.. We made no major purchases.
Second, about midway through last year, I stopped taking a salary from the church.
Third, we set up foundations to fund an initiative we call The Peace Plan to plant churches, equip leaders, assist the poor, care for the sick, and educate the next generation.
Fourth, I added up all that the church had paid me in the 24 years since I started the church, and I gave it all back. It was liberating to be able to serve God for free.
We need to ask ourselves: Am I going to live for possessions? Popularity?
Am I going to be driven by pressures? Guilt? Bitterness? Materialism? Or am I going to be driven by God ' s purposes (for my life)?
When I get up in the morning, I sit on the side of my bed and say, God, if I don ' t get anything else done today, I want to know You more and love You better. God didn ' t put me on earth just to fulfill a to-do list. He ' s more interested in what I am than what I do.
That ' s why we ' re called human beings, not human doings.

Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD..

What an hour!!! by Nita Johnson

I found myself this morning wrapped in God’s glory and then suddenly taken into the Spirit. It all began with the sound of shattering glass - a loud sound, as though many windows were imploding all at once. Then the Spirit of the Lord said, “Kristallnacht!” Immediately, I was overcome by Him and lifted into His presence.

I then saw a slave running as fast as he could through a driveway. He hoped to get to a back alley so that he could escape his pursuer. The slave was not African American; he was a teenage Caucasian American.

My focus was then drawn away to Generals rising up over all the land. Again, the glory of the Lord swept down over me, and I heard a voice cry, “Generals of the Lord, arise! Arise, O Mighty Ones!” As before, I was overwhelmed by the Spirit of the Lord, and entered into the deep groaning and weeping of the Lord over the Generals that needed to come forth throughout the land. Those that I saw were the “Five-Star Generals” speckled about throughout the nation. They were handsomely dressed, with stars and bars of authority on their uniforms.
Then I saw my teenage granddaughter, and again I fell into weeping and travail as I heard a voice cry to her, calling her by name, “… you must arise and lead your generation. You must become the very flame of the Lord.” The Spirit enraptured me in ways too wonderful to tell. I saw her look toward the voice and tremble under the Spirit of the Lord while waiting for her orders.

My vision then broadened, and I saw perhaps millions of teenagers just like my precious granddaughter. They rose and formed an army of living flames unto the Lord throughout the world. I knew that the words spoken to my granddaughter were meant for many of them. Some had been in church all their precious lives. Some had grown up in the ghettos and on the streets. Some were students in high schools and colleges who had given their lives to scholarly achievement, but had been touched by God to do great things in the Kingdom. I saw some who were great intellectuals, others who would become great writers and thinkers in the faith, steering the destiny of many while they were still young. Some had been beaten and abused in their homes, and still others had grown up with great Christian parents. Their past testimony made no difference; it was what God awakened them to do now that mattered. The flames of the Lord that would make up a great army of fire were today’s youth and young adults. I was amazed and weeping so deeply that I could hardly bear any more revelation.

Then I heard trumpets blast and heard the Words, This is the hour of Joel II! Then the voice began to recite Joel II as follows.

1 Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at hand; 2 A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains: a great people and a strong; there hath not been ever the like; neither shall be any more after it, even to the years of many generations. 3 A fire devoureth before them; and behind them a flame burneth:

Immediately my spirit was enlarged, and I saw two visions of armies simultaneously (I cannot explain how a person can experience such a thing, yet it happened to me). There was an army, great and terrible. It was made up of enemy soldiers preparing to invade our nation. At the same moment I saw another army rising to answer the call. It was the army of the youth, consumed in flames of fire until it looked like a field ablaze. The youth were blazing across the nation and the world. They did not seem to care what the difficulties were that they might meet; they were the army of the Lord arising to the call of their Commander in Chief, Jesus Christ. They were in love with Him and yearning to serve Him at any cost. They were mighty and terrible because they had become the flame of the Lord. The enemy feared them, for they were unstoppable.

Joel 2 continues:

4The appearance of them is as the appearance of horses; and as horsemen, so shall they run. 5Like the noise of chariots on the tops of mountains shall they leap, like the noise of a flame of fire that devoureth the stubble, as a strong people set in battle array. 6Before their face the people shall be much pained: all faces shall gather blackness. 7They shall run like mighty men; they shall climb the wall like men of war; and they shall march every one on his ways, and they shall not break their ranks: 8Neither shall one thrust another; they shall walk every one in his path: and when they fall upon the sword, they shall not be wounded. 9They shall run to and fro in the city; they shall run upon the wall, they shall climb up upon the houses; they shall enter in at the windows like a thief. 10The earth shall quake before them; the heavens shall tremble: the sun and the moon shall be dark, and the stars shall withdraw their shining: 11And the LORD shall utter his voice before his army: for his camp is very great: for he is strong that executeth his word: for the day of the LORD is great and very terrible; and who can abide it?

These youth had become like mighty war horses accustom to battle, unafraid and determined to please their Captain – the Captain of the Host. Devils paled before these warriors, as they were anointed and relentless. They were young, but mighty! They had in their hearts not a human desire for fame and fortune, but a vision that burned within their very bosom. They would overtake cities for Him, schools and college campuses. They were young and energetic, and they were His!

As they went forth, signs and wonders began to fill the heavens. For they were mighty that executed God’s word.

The other army would come with stealth and power, but they were darkness and gloom and the Kingdom of darkness would yet yield to the Kingdom of light and the saints will reign with Him forever and ever.


Back to the beginning… I heard shattering glass and the word, “Kristallnacht,” which means “Crystal Night.” It is forever known in Germany as the Night of Broken Glass, when the windows of the synagogues and Jewish colleges were broken, Jewish buildings were ransacked, and sacred literature was confiscated and burned. I was given to understand that this time, not only would the same occur against the Jewish people, but also against Christians, their churches, and their Christian universities.

The war against the truth is going to happen, but the army of the Lord will not be stopped. Persecution will arise, but the army will move forward nevertheless. Truth will be their banner and love will be their covering. His Name will be greatly glorified in the earth.

In His Name,

Nita Johnson



平安! 相信這次有參加2/2-2/5在台北小巨蛋舉辦的天國文化特會, 特別是Heidi Baker主講的場次一定是印象深刻, 感動不已. 如果已拜讀她的著作的人, 想必更有無法言喻的感動. 我剛收到此封關於Heidi個人背景簡介及生命見證的email. 讀完後久久不能自己!
想跟大家分享! 歡迎轉寄! 讓更多人看到我們的神透過Heidi正在這個世界進行的改變與轉化! 也讓更多人(基督徒和非基督徒)透過Heidi的生命見證更深的認識我們的主耶穌!

Heidi Baker是一個被神差派到非洲的女使徒,也是末世教會的先鋒者!當我聽到她用生命作見證來傳講神的話,並且將她所傳講的道活出來時,我才終於瞭解聖經上說的道成肉身是怎麼回事!她的生命見證了一個愛慕耶穌的人,在被神的愛完全改變到極端的程度時,能帶來怎樣突破的膏抹,甚至連天地都為之震動!

Heidi Baker原本來自加州富裕的環境,16歲時,放棄摯愛的芭蕾舞,被神呼召前往亞洲、非洲與英國傳福音。嫁給從小在中國長大的第三代宣教士Rolland Baker後,曾在20來歲時在印尼等亞洲各地舉辦上萬人的佈道會,一個晚上有上千人信主。她並且在10年內拿到系統神學的博士!
Roland & Heidi Baker







因著一個完全順服的器皿,神可以成就怎樣的大事!整塊土地都被翻轉過來,成千上萬的靈魂湧進神的國度!她說,我只是順服神,一次愛一個孩子!在大聚會中,她說,我看到的不是群眾,我只是看到一個需要得醫治的孩子!她說真正的使徒其實是upside down,頭要朝下,要謙卑,stay low,要降卑!要倒空自己,愛以致於死!她說,她想不出比殉道更好的死法,希望生命結束時是為主而死!

